Our Planet

The "single biggest way" to help the planet is to go vegan...University of Oxford

Statistics shown...

1840 gallons of water

1 pound of beef

U.S. Geological Survey. (n.d.). Water content of things. Retrieved January 1, 2024, from https://water.usgs.gov/edu/activity-watercontent.phpU.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (2017, February). Shower better learning resource. Retrieved January 1, 2024, from https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2017-02/documents/ws-ourwater-shower-better-learning-resource_0.pdf

Animal agriculture is responsible for up to 91% of Amazon destruction.

Margulis, Sergio. "Causes of Deforestation of the Brazilian Amazon". World Bank Working Paper No. 22. 2003Tabuchi, Hiroko, Rigny, Claire & White, Jeremy. "Amazon Deforestation, Once Tamed, Comes Roaring Back". New York Times. February 2017(New)Bellantonio, Marisa, et al. "The Ultimate Mystery Meat: Exposing the Secrets Behind Burger King and Global Meat Production". Mighty Earth (New)